Why I am doing this..........

This is for an enrichment project, we are studying "Digital Blooms Taxonomy" and focusing on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

What Affects Human Emotions - Weather

An obvious but unpreventable affect on human emotion is the weather.  Areas with a lot of sunshine report fewer cases of depression, and places with longer winters and more cloud cover report a higher frequency of sadness and depression.
The most severe form of weather-based emotion is known as SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. Patients exhibit signs of severe hopelessness or anxiety, particularly during the winter months, or during periods when the sun never comes out.
Your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), regulates your body's sleep. Some studies suggest that shorter days and reduced sunlight may disrupt your circadian rhythm, leading to sadness and depression.
Some of the main weather scenarios related to emotions are:
On a warm sunny day, when the sun is shining brightly with no clouds in the sky. -------> You are most likely to feel motivated, happy and cheerful.
On a short winter day, it is snowing and very cold or on a wet day when it is pouring rain. ---------> You may feel sad, depressed or unmotivated.

                       How does the weather affect your emotions?

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